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Salesforce Park: A Splendid Urban Escape

San Francisco's Salesforce Park sits on top of the Financial District Transbay Transit Center. It is an urban garden and park was completed in 2018- and then again in 2019. Oops. You might have read about it, but there was a rather large structural mishap that forced the center to abruptly close.

During the repairs, the park's newly planted vegetation had time to flourish without human interference. By the time the park opened in July of 2019, trees had taken root, vines had covered buildings, and the 5.4 acres on top of a bus terminal had become an Eden, perfect for lunchtime picnics and sunny day strolls.

I attended a tour sponsored by AIA San Francisco with PWP Landscape Architecture (Laurel Hunter and Maria Landoni), the landscape architects for the project. They outlined the many sustainable features integrated into the project like habitat creation, pollinator gardens, and water collection and reuse.

The park also features a mix of public and private spaces for those seeking an escape from the city. Plantings are organized by experiential setting and climates, so you can sit on a bench in a bamboo forest, stroll past succulent gardens, and lounge on a grassy knoll. A large plaza at the center has many programmed events, public seating, and easy access to escalators, the gondola, and elevators bringing folks from the ground to the roof.

It's an amazing escape from the concrete jungle and the flora in this park are truly extraordinary. The only reminder to head back to work is catching a glimpse of someone at their desk in the surrounding office towers.