My Favorite Parts of San Francisco’s Presidio

Quarantine had a way of encouraging daily, lengthy walks. In San Francisco, trekking through my neighborhood got old quickly, so I expanded my walks through the Presidio. How did I live so close to such a wonderful place, yet so rarely ventured there?!

The Presidio is a former military fort turned into a 1,500 acre National Park. It is composed of former barracks, current residences, cultural institutions, offices, and miles of hiking trails.

If you get a chance to visit the Presidio, here are some of my favorite spots:


Yoda Fountain

See this you must! Many don’t realize that Lucasfilm is headquartered in the Presidio. Sitting outside of their building entrance, this life size fountain statue, constructed in 2005, memorializes one of the most beloved characters of the Star Wars franchise.

yoda fountain san francisco sf presidio

Inspiration Point

A short hike takes you to Inspiration point, a spot with sweeping views of the Presidio. It’s a beautiful vista that is great to see at least once.

inspiration point hike san francisco sf presidio

Hidden Spots around the Presidio Wall Playground

You’ll have to discover these spots on your own- that’s part of the fun! Some of my absolute favorite places to walk, journal, and mediate are near the Presidio Wall. There are sandy paths, groves of trees, stumps that are perfect seats, and beautiful views.

presidio wall hike san francisco sf presidio

Andy Goldsworthy's Sculptures

Between 2008 and 2014, the Presidio enhanced their grounds with Andy Goldsworthy’s site-specific Wood Line, Spire, Earth Wall, and Tree Fall. These sculptures are composed of local materials, but beautifully stand out in their surroundings. More information about their locations, tours, and suggested hike routes (3 miles total) can be found on the Presidio website.


Crissy Field Beach

Make your way down through the Presidio to the Bay! Crissy Field Beach has calm waters and is an excellent place to watch whales, wind surfers, and sailboats. The photo below is from March 2020 when I was lucky enough to see two whales pass through the bay!

chrissy field beach presidio sf san francisco

San Francisco National Cemetery and Cemetery Overlook​

Am I the kind of gal who hangs out at cemeteries? Not really. But then again, sometimes I am. Beauty lies in repetition in SF’s National Cemetery. Come to reflect, contemplate, and find gratitude for the people who made the ultimate sacrifice.

national cemetary presidio sf san francisco

Walking Path next to the Presidio Golf Course

FOUR! It’s beautiful here, but watch your noggin! You can see that the trees are all terribly scarred from the golfers’ attempts for Tiger Woods’ greatness. I love the view of the evening sun as it shines through the trees.

golf course presidio sf san francisco
golf course presidio sf san francisco

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